Circles Update

Circles, Loading, and Game Loop


In this update, we changed how the player moves the mower slightly. It still follows the player's mouse, however, it is slightly delayed and clamped now so that the player can more smoothly control the mower. This allows the player to create perfect circles easily when mowing, Whereas before, it was next to impossible. Circles

A prime example of a circle
To do this we created a ring around the mower with a little ball that the mower follows. The ball follows the player's mouse, but only along the ring in the direction of the mouse. 

Loading and MainMenu:

Several menu bugs prevented the game from being able to loop effectively and without causing some kind of game-breaking bug. After going through and fixing those, Mack added a loading screen that pops up when transitioning from the main menu to playing the game.

Files Play in browser
85 days ago

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